
Benjamin Assarf
(TU Berlin)
Mohamed Barakat
(KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)
Reimer Behrends
(TU Kaiserslautern)
Martin Bies
(ITP Heidelberg)
Thomas Breuer
(RWTH Aachen University)
Manuel Delgado
(University of Porto)
Pedro A. García-Sánchez
(Universidad de Granada)
Sebastian Gutsche
(TU Kaiserslautern)
Johannes Hahn
(FSU Jena)
Max Horn
(JLU Gießen)
Christopher Jefferson
(University of St Andrews)
Delaram Kahrobaei
(City University of New York)
Stefan Kohl
Alexander Konovalov
(University of St Andrews)
Lukas Kühne
(TU Kaiserslautern)
Samuel Lelièvre
(Université Paris-Sud)
Steve Linton
(University of St Andrews)
Benjamin Lorenz
(TU Berlin)
Frank Lübeck
(RWTH Aachen University)
Hebert Pérez-Rosés
(University of Lleida)
Markus Pfeiffer
(University of St Andrews)
Sebastian Posur
(RWTH Aachen University)
Hans Schoenemann
(TU Kaiserslautern)
Christof Söger
(Universität Osnabrück)
VInay Wagh
(IIT Guwahati, India)
Manuel Delgado
(author of intpic and viz)
As an author of GAP packages, participating in the GAP Days 2014 was for me an exceptional opportunity both to get feedback on my work and to get hints for some future work. Not of less importance was to hear about recent developments mainly in terms of new packages or new features of existing ones, as well as to keep informed of what the future of GAP can be.
Pedro A. García-Sánchez
(author of numericalsgps)
The meeting GAPDays2014 has been of great interest for me. Apart from the nice talks and discussions after them, the opportunity to meet some of the developers of other packages has been not only a pleasure and honor, but a chance to learn a lot from them.
In particular the development version of our (M. Delgado and I; see package numericalsgps already contains functions that make use of NormalizInterface (thanks to C. Söger to help me install it on my computer) and libsing (thanks to M. Horn for guiding me through the installation). As an example, discussions with H. Schöneman yield a new implementation of the homogeneous Betti elements of a numerical semigroup (and thus the homogeneous catenary degree). For instance, for <100,123,145,156,167,201,210,221,309> it takes 154 milliseconds with libsing, compared with the 85942 that takes with the gap built in Gröbner basis computation.
We hope that these improvements will also allow us to extend the scope of some functions that work now only for numerical semigroups (including affine semigroups, and in particular block monoids).
For all this, I would like to thank again the organizers for their great job, and also the rest of participants. I hope that (brainstorm) meetings will take place again in a near future.
Johannes Hahn
I learned how to make a package and to use AutoDoc. I (re)learned about the existence and use of ToDo lists in homalg. I decided to work together with Frank Lübeck and Hebert Pérez-Rosés in order to combine our respective code pieces to maybe publish a bunch of packages that will in the end constitute a GAP4 replacement for CHEVIE.
Delaram Kahrobaei
During the GAP Days 2014, I had the pleasure to do networking with the participants. Through the talks and workshop I got to learn about different GAP packages and coding with GAP. There were several interesting afternoon talks and morning coding sessions. I benefitted tremendously from this workshop and I hope will be able to participate in the future GAP Days.
Stephen Linton
Most important to me was having the opportunity to test hpcgap with a range of applications and package. Pleasingly it stood up quite well and porting simpler packages to run under it seems be fairly routine. I also had number of useful discussions about the future direction and governance of GAP.
Hebert Perez
My attendance to GAP Days 2014 was very fruitful. Besides making my work known to other GAP users and developers, and learning about the other participants' contributions, I had the opportunity to discuss with them about future GAP contributions, more precisely about potential GAP packages to deal with labeled directed graphs and Coxeter groups, respectively. In our consideration, current GAP functionality for those mathematical objects is limited and outdated. Work on those packages has already started. Moreover, I could profit from the expertise of the other participants to finish the translation of some old GAP 3 code into GAP 4.
Christof Söger
(author of NormalizInterface)
We did further work on the interface to make installation easier and to supply a clearer and more powerful interface. Also a first user started to utilize the package and helped to find bugs. We hope to publish a first version to the public soon.