
The two main topics these GAP Days will tackle are:

GAP Webpage and GAP Release Management System

Please note the resources that need to be obtained BEFORE the workshop are laid out on the preparation page . This note will also be updated as the workshop nears with more information and details about the various work packages.


We will have the introductory talks to the various workpackages on Monday and Tuesday, overall the video conference will be running throughout the conference and any check-ins will be done through it or via slack. To avoid major conflicts and uncontrolled merges we ask for hourly commits/pushes and exchanges (also we are human, we can talk to each other). The official end of these GAP Days will be around 3pm on Friday (but for the hardcore GAPers you are welcome to stick around for longer). This schedule is very flexible as it is highly dependent on the work progress, and any issues that might come up. Thus in the “work” slots, there is freedom for impromptu discussions, talks or other formats of communication. Please note that for the peace of mind, you can set up side-calls with jitsi to take some subdiscussions away from the main call.

The overall idea for the progress throughout the week will for everyone to start off with an overhaul of the webpage infrastructure, before splitting into separate groups working on the webpage and release management. This is done so that the cross-over of some of the release mechanisms that involve the webpage (version number, package management etc.) are dealt with hand in hand.

Note that we have removed “fixed” meal times.