
We aim to have introductory sessions on GAP for students and researchers interested to use GAP to support their research. The invited speakers will present a minicourse addressing topics in algebra, group theory and discrete mathematics related to GAP, and provide some exercises for the students in parallel with working sessions for developpers.


  1. Introduction to GAP: Basics of Computation Topics: Basic arithmetic, programming, linear algebra, and an introduction to group theory concepts.

  2. Group Theory in GAP: Permutation and Finite Groups Topics: Permutation groups, cyclic groups, dihedral groups, symmetric groups, and alternating groups.

  3. Group Theory in GAP: Matrix Groups and Homomorphisms Topics: Matrix groups, group homomorphisms, and automorphism groups, with computational applications.

  1. Finite p-groups and finite solvable groups in GAP

  2. Classification of finite groups (SmallGroups / GrpConst packages)

  3. The Lazard correspondence and Lie p-rings in GAP (LiePRing package)

  1. Projective spaces over finite fields in GAP (FinInG package)

  2. Coding theory in GAP (guava package)

  3. Incidence geometries and substructure (FinInG package)

Detailed schedule

We will open with a meeting at Monday morning at 9:45. Around 10:00 we coordinate plans for the week, and follow a pattern of “Standups” each day at around 10:00 and 17:00, to communicate what we plan to work on, and what we have worked on, respectively. There will be two lectures of the minicourses per day and two hours of exercises in parallel with working sessions.

The schedule is subject to further changes.